Saturday, October 8, 2011

west oz skate steez...

My goodness the West Oz skate scene is in flight right now! A couple of unique, banging skate shops (Highs and Lows, Beyond Skate City) companies producing quality goods and supporting the local scene (Butter, 4 Skateboard Company, GMTA, Modus) an epic local rag (Staple) some talented lensmen (Josh Roberts, Pidge, Luke Thomson)...
What's been most impressive though has been the ever increasing level of riding... All in keeping with, what seems to be becoming, that classic West Australian style... Big ups Alex Campbell, Phillip Marshall, Harry Clark, Barry Mansfield and Nick Boserio!
Here's a couple o pics from a few years back and a couple of amazing recent video parts... Enjoy...
Phillip Marshall bs flip then...
Phillip Marshall now...
Alex Campbell bs tail then...
Alex Campbell (and the 4 team) now...
How to skate faster with Nick Boserio...

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